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Bettymariastyle.com om Ansiktsolje For Menn

04 januar 2015 – Marina Engervik

Bettymariastyle.com har fått sin kjæreste til å teste produktene våre for menn. Han (som mange andre menn ofte er) var skeptisk til hudpleieprodukter. Betty har allerede falt for vår ansiktsolje, Herbal Face Oil, så da fikk hun kjæresten sin til å teste produktene våre for menn. Han ble veldig fornøyd!

Les omtalen av Betty av vår Herbal Face Oil her.

Betty skriver:

''Let’s be honest here – most guys are not too much into skincare. And my boyfriend is not any different. But when I told him he could test the Marina Miracle range for men, he was up for it right away. Probably because he had heard me rave about her products for weeks.

And guess what: Suddenly I saw him coming out of the bathroom with a big smile every day, proudly patting his face. (Oh yes, Marina Miracle does work miracle for men as well!)''

Foto: bettymariastyle.com

Betty oppsummerer produktene slik:

''The Marina Miracle for men daytime 100% Natural Active Face Oil gives you a refreshing feeling for the day ahead and leaves you feeling energized. It keeps your skin moisturized all day without feeling oily as it soaks in very quickly.

The Marina Miracle for men night time 100% Natural Reload Night Serum has a soothing fragrance which will give you a good night’s sleep and it is just as mousturizing. It leaves the skin feeling really soft.''

Tusen takk til Betty og hennes kjæreste for en fin omtale!